Two small churches are located along the square facing the Basilica of St. Anthony: the one on the left is the Oratory of San Giorgio. The building, which originated as an aristocratic funerary chapel for the Marquis Lupi di Soragna, was finished in 1377. The interior was painted by Altichiero da Zevio, who finished the splendid pictorial cycle in 1384. On the altar wall are depicted the Crucifixion of Christ and the Crowning of Mary; on the inner wall of the façade the events of the Infancy of Jesus; on the left wall episodes from the Legend of St. George; and on the right wall the Stories of St. Catherine and St. Lucy. As of July 24, 2021, this pictorial cycle has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, along with seven other cycles in the City of Padua (two others are included in the complex of the Basilica of St. Anthony).
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